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Live Online Concert to Honor NYC Healthcare Workers, June 19th at noon

Dear friends and family:

I hope this email finds you all staying healthy and safe in these very troubling times.I wanted to share that I have been presented with an opportunity to use my music for hope and healing:

On June 19th, I have been selected to play to honor the health workers in New York City hospitals, in a live hour-long concert that will be available to all my friends on Facebook Live. This project is a collaboration between the City of New York and my musicians' union, Local 802. About forty or so musicians were chosen to perform noontime concerts during May and June of this year.

I will be playing a mixture of classical music, Americana, and pop songs.It would be my pleasure to share this music with you as well. If you are interested in joining us, here's the information.

As union rules prohibit the recording of this concert, it's by necessity a one-time only live event which can't be made available for repeat viewing.

I hope you will join me on June 19th at noon Eastern in celebrating our brave health care workers. In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe and know that I’m thinking of you and I am sending you all my love.



PS: if you'd like to hear some wonderful music in advance of my event, please click at noon eastern time any weekday in June to hear my fellow musicians' own live concerts!

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